Why Lose Weight?
1. The mirror had become offensive.
2. The camera told the truth and it hurt.
3. To correct high blood pressure.
4. To prevent heart problems.
5. To correct the pain in my legs.
6. To stop back pain.
7. To get my menstrual cycle back to normal.
8. So I could be in control of my flesh! I am the boss of my body! When we cannot control our appetite, we literally are putting a knife to our throats (the ancient symbolism for killing yourself).
9. Saves tons of money on food!
10. I don't get as hot in the summer so I need less air conditioning.
11. Stair climbing is not out of the question anymore.
12. Clothes fit better. (Your skirt sits lower than under your bra!)
13. I no longer worry about whether a store will carry a size 28.
14. I can buy clothes from Wal-mart if I wish.
15. I can wear panty hose again.
16. I am no longer the largest person in a crowd of people.
17. I am no longer ashamed to announce my weight.
18. More energy. I no longer collapse at the end of the day.
19. I don't need to nap anymore.
20. Visitation is no longer hard on the body. I can get in and out of a car easily. I can walk door to door without having to catch my breath before knocking.
21. I can wear socks again.
22. I can wear shoes for more than an hour without them killing my feed.
23. I dropped a shoe size.
24. No longer have to have "sneaky food".
25. No longer embarrassed to see old friends.
26. I have a lap!
27. My eyes don't disappear in my cheeks when I smile.
28. Sex is better.
29. Vacation is more fun because I can do more and I travel more comfortable.
30. Can use an airplane seatbelt without an extension!
31. I fit in an airplane seat instead of spilling over.
32. I can sit cross legged on the ground.
33. Husband can pick me up.
34. I can taste food better and enjoy a wider variety.
35. Can fit in a turn stile without turning sideways.
36. Can fit into a restaurant booth without having a "shelf" over the table.
37. I don't spill food all over my chest because I can't get my head over my plate.
38. I can go to a bathroom stall other than the handicapped.
39. I sleep better.
40. I don't snore as much.
41. I can cross one leg over the other when seated
42. I don't have as many chins.
43. I feel stronger.
44. No more thigh rub.
45. No more rashes under my breast or stomach.
46. I don't need a beach towel to dry off with.
47. I feel better about myself.
48. I can go swimming again.
49. I can run with my grandchildren.
50. I can wear a bra that actually fits.
51. I no longer worry about lawn chairs breaking when I sit in them.
52. My ankles don't puff up and look like there's half a tennis ball on each side.53. I am able to wear something that doesn't say PLUS on it.54. I can fit in a bathtub again.
55. So my husband can have a wife who isn't constantly complaining over her weight.
56. So my husband can enjoy sex more.
57. I can drive a car and not feel cramped.
58. So I can go on rides at amusement parks again, without stuffing myself into the seat shamefully.
59. So I can buy lingerie that fits, and looks good.
60. So when I'm with people who start talking about weight loss , I don't feel they mean me.
61. A preacher can preach on gluttony all he wants!
62. So I can get up from the floor in one smooth move and not a grab and hold on to something move.
63. So no one will ever again ask me "when is your baby due", and I'm not pregnant.
64. So I can say to other people who are overweight, hey, I was there once too, and maybe help them get to where they want to be.
65. So I don't have to worry about my bathroom scales breaking. (I have broken several scales.)
66. So I don't have to give excuses for being over weight.
67. So I can go canoeing again. (And so that my end doesn't almost sink while their end flys.)
68. So I don't have to worry about arthritis or joint replacement when I get older.
69. So furniture doesn't groan when I sit on it, or wear out long before it should because I'm too heavy.
70. I can tie my shoes again.
71. So I won't think people are laughing or talking about me.72. I can paint my toenails.
73. So I don't take up and entire aisle and get in people's way.
74. To not have to listen to "caring" people ask why you don't diet or worse still... "gee you have such a pretty face"
75. I no longer have to call a taxi when sight seeing in a city with a group.
76. I can keep up with people.
77. I never have to worry about weight limits again.
78. I can wear my wedding ring again.
79. To be able to get close to sink and not come away with a wet belly!
80. Don't tear up car seats and arm rest.
81. I can sleep on the floor again.
82. To be able to walk any distance without looking for a bench to sit on.
83. I can witness without feeling like a hypocrite.
84. I feel as if I have accomplished something.
85. People can't use my weight as an excuse to sin.
86. So I never see another fat woman and ask my husband, "Am I That Big?"
87. So I can sit on a porch swing and not worry about it breaking.
88. To not be ashamed to go to the doctor should I have to.
89. To reduce my chances of having a heart attack at an early age.
90. So I won't worry that everyone one thinks, "I'm fat."
91. So I won't be depressed every time I shop for clothes.
92. Cleaning house isn't such a chore. (Eg. Bathtub)
93. So I don't feel like I'm always leaning back while sitting in a chair, because of my rear.
94. So I can go hiking again,.
95. My number 1 topic of conversation isn't myself and how fat I am.
96. I no longer get mad if my husband doesn't want to eat out.
97. I no longer get gas.
98. I have fewer headaches.
99. My pantyhose don't make noise when I walk in them.
100. No more yeast infections.
101. Less likely to get diabetes
102. Protect my gall bladder.
103. I breathe easier.
104. I no longer experience the prejudice I had against me due to obesity.105. My hands no longer swell when I go walking.
Biblical Reasons to Lose Weight:
I Cor. 6:19 What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
Prov. 23:20-21. Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.
Matt. 6:31 Take no thought (worry) ... What shall we eat...or drink...Your heavenly Father knoweth ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
I Cor. 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection (I discipline my body): lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
Phil.3:18-19 ...enemies of the cross of Christ ...whose God is their belly...who mind earthly things.
Eph. 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it even as the Lord the church:
Num. 11:4-6, 18-20, 31-34. the multitude...fell a lusting (after flesh)... and the Lord gave them
quails...they buried the people that lusted. God designed us with a marvelous capacity to enjoy
eating (that necessary function which supplies the fuel our bodies need to function) by providing us with the senses of taste, smell, and sight with which to enjoy our food. These senses are also useful in detecting when food is spoiled.
However as with many other God-designed fleshly desires, Satan can use a legitimate appetite to
cause us to hurt the temple of the Holy Spirit and thereby to sin. Overeating - eating more than is
needed to provide needed metabolic fuel- is a waste of money, and in most people, leads to
deposits of fat which causes increased weight which can cause a strain on the heart, cause diabetes, or lead to high blood pressure.
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