Monday, September 3, 2012

The Privilege of Soul-Winning

Key Verse - (1 Th 2:4) But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.

What is soul-winning?
• A privilege (2:4)
• • Sounding the Word (1:8)
• • • Sharing and giving (2:8)
• • • • Living a Separated life (2:10)
• • • Changing a life (1:9)
• • Saving others (Jude 23; Romans 10:1)
• Giving someone a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26)

Basically, it’s reaching someone for Christ. It is seeing people as lost and going to hell, then showing them the truth. They are then given an opportunity to accept or reject the Lord Jesus Christ. If they accept they are saved and you have won a soul. If they refuse, you haven’t won a soul but you are free from the guilt of allowing a person to burn eternally in hell and you are free from the bloody hands described in Ezekiel 3:18 and Ezekiel 33:8.

Who should be a soul-winner?

EVERYONE! But not everyone is allowed. It is a privilege.

(If you had a son who had to have heart surgery would you call someone who claimed to be a heart surgeon but yet they never went to a hospital? What if they never had studied the books on heart surgery? What if they came in a dirty, tacky swimsuit to the hospital? Would the hospital put a man like that on staff? -- Well, we are in the heart surgery business. We are the doctors who do the transplanting. Our church is the hospital. Our staff will be those who show up for the hospital meetings, study the heart-transplanting book, and our doctors will dress like doctors. You say, yea, but it is not what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside . . . then why do hospital staff wear uniforms? Why do they have dress standards for their nurses? Because it matters!

Grant it . . . every doctor . . . may be good and have their different areas of specialities but even the doctors follow hospitals procedures. They do it because the like the benefits (saved lives? money?) they receive by obeying the rules. In a church, everyone has their gifts and talents but if they don’t follow the procedures they don’t have the privileges of being used like someone who may not be as talented. But, those who obey have tasted the benefits . . .(saved lives? Blessings?) and they gladly obey the rules.

God needs soul-winners to complete his perfect plan . . . but He has procedures you must follow. He has standards. Anyone who refuses to submit to his plan doesn’t have the opportunity to be used of God like the submissive person. And His procedures are not hard. (1 John 5:3) For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.)

Now, assuming that you do want to be a soul-winner and you are willing to follow the rules, here are few simple guidelines:

How do I Become a Soul-Winner?

1. Decide you want to be a soul-winner! ( I was 18 or 19 when I decided this)
• You’ll receive a crown in Heaven (2:19)
• It is associated with wisdom (Proverbs 11:30; Daniel 12:3)
• It brings joy (2:20)
• You can see the lives of others abound (4:1) (**Neighborhood kids in Choudrant**)
• It is God’s will (5:9)
• People are dying (4:13)
• Hell is real (Jude 23)(**Man in hospital drawn up from going to hell**)
• Christ is coming (3:13)
• It proves that you love others (2:8) (I have a hard time believing you love someone that you could care less if they go to hell)
• Who’s going to carry the faith on after you?(**I won all 4 of my kids to the Lord**)
• It is a testimony to others, it makes them burn

2. Began to pray for a soul!
• Pray for family that you know to be lost
• Pray for strangers that God will allow you to win to the Lord
• Pray that God will send someone your way

3. Expect Hindrances and sufferings (2:2; 2:15; 2:18)
• People will reject - They are not rejecting you but God
• Doors will slam in your face
• People will think you are being nosey
• The more you soul-win the more you become separated, the more you separate yourself the more people will think you are going off the deep end. But it is natural, you can’t stop your self.
• Deny yourself! (2:8) Get rid of excuses!

Rather sleep, Rather do house work, Shy, Don’t have time, Don’t know what to say, My breath stinks

4. Look for Opportunities
( Listen to your heart. God gives us a really strange feeling in our heart when we should witness. But don’t only witness when you get that strange feeling.)

• Pass tracts
• Friends of your kids
• While shopping
• Stop to help people
• Anytime God lays a burden
• On visitation
• At the altar
• Go visiting with other soul-winners
• E-mail
• Over telephone

5. Begin Talking
• Start a conversation or respond when one is started with you (Be Bold - 2:2; 1:8) If you saw someone in a burning building would you sit there and let them burn or would you scream, "Hey lady, this building is on fire, you need to get out!" Well, may I remind you that being "Shy" won’t hold water when you are standing before God Almighty. "Shy" is a sin just like lying, cursing, murder, and adultery." (Proverbs 28:1; Hebrews 13:6) ( REMEMBER PETER)

• Be complimentary. Find something to brag on. Be honest in sincere but try to encourage the person so they won’t turn you off. (2:3; 5:11)

• Be a good listener. It is easy to win someone to the Lord if they just told you about their marriage that’s falling apart.

• Look for an opportunity to inject "Well, let me ask you this, Are you 100 % sure you are going to heaven when you die?" or its equivalent.

• Say "Wouldn’t you like to know?"

• Be gentle (2:7)

6. Present the clear truth of salvation
• Just tell the simple truth. (2:5)
• Don’t argue, stick to the plan. The devil will try to get them onto another subject. Refused to be detoured.
• Use the Roman’s Road:  Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10,13
• Keep it simple and clear
• Use your testimony and illustrations
• Ask them if they are willing to obey the Bible and believe in their heart.
• Be very clear and explain every detail
• Lead them in a prayer

7. Follow Up
• Give assurance (a fireman wouldn’t throw you back in a fire)
Romans 8:35-39, Hebrews 13:5b, John 3:16

• Tell them to make it public
Romans 10:11

• Raise them spiritually as if they were your child (3:10; 4:1)

• Teach them about baptism  1 Peter 3:21

• Bring them to church WITH you

• Pray for them every day.



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