Saturday, September 1, 2012

Simple Pleasures

Excuse me, but this is both a recollection of pleasures I have experienced (a sampling) and is not meant to brag but rather for my own personal memories and for my children who were with me during most of these activites.

I've been to 7 countries and 49 states.  I've travelled from coast to coast.  I've been to every major city including Orlando, New York, Albany, San Francisco, Austin, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Shreveport, Hot Springs, Atlanta, Pensecola, Sante Fe, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Jacksonville, Greenville, Chattoonooga, Colorado Springs, San Diego, St. Paul, Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, Boston, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, Ocean City, Atlantic City, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Dallas,  Charlotte, Baltimore, Memphis,  San Antonio, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Hershey,  Houston, San Jose, and Little Rock.  But....there is no place I'd rather be than Moultrie, Georgia.  It is there that I know the people, I can drive without a tourbus or taxi.  It is there that I am home.

Houses I've toured, explored or seen include Casa Verde, Winchester House, Hearst Castle, scores of antebellum homes in the South, ghost towns and restored villages such as the Agrirama and Colonial Williamsburg. 

I've lived in town and I've lived in the country.  I've been poor and I've had more than plenty.  I've lived in fallen down trailers and in a big, nice 5 bedroom house.  I now live in an RV and I love it the most.  Seventeen times in 30 years have my husband and I moved and the place I am at now is the best!
Mountains I've enjoyed close up include McKinley,  Stone, Mt. Rushmore, Ozarks, Petit Jean, Matterhorn Peak, Pikes Peak, El Capitan, Rockies, Brasstown Bald, Glacier National Park, Blue Ridge, Great Smokies, and Guadalupe. 

Famous Sites I've toured are Hollywood, Death Valley, Sunset Strip, Big Bend National Park, Statue of Liberty, Broadway, The Alamo, World Trade Center (before and after 9/11), Times Square, Ellis Island, Carlsbad Caverns, Staten Island Ferry, Manhatten, United Nations, Hoover Dam, Six Flags, U.S. Mint, Superdome, Eiffel Tower, Streetcars, Riverboats, Yellowstone National Park, Several Zoos, Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park, Space Needle, Corn Castle, St. Augustine, Coronado Island, Lincoln Memorial, The White House, Washington Memorial, Vietnam War, Memorial, Smithsonian Institute, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, Lombard Street, Chinatown, Cablecars, AstroWorld, Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, ROCKY Statue, Congress Hall and Crystal Caves.

Activities I have tried at least once, and many of them repeatedly, are spelunking, canoeing, white water rafting, swimming, tubing, and cliff jumping.  I've been snow-skiing and water skiing.  I've been mountain climbing, and rock climbing.

Modes of transportation.  I love to tour.  I've traveled in so many ways.  I crossed Ukraine on a train.  I've flown across the ocean in a jet.  I've flown to neighboring towns in a little plane.  I've toured the Duch, the Red Bus, and taxied all over our big cities.  I've RV'd across America. I've taken boat taxis, tour boats and even cruise ships.  My husband and I have enjoyed motorcycle excursions.  But my favorite way to travel is piled in a car with hubby and grandkids!

I said all this to say that I'd have given it all up for the one great pleasure I marriage.  I've only married once, and that was at 17 years old....30 years ago.  So all my activities have been shared with a partner.  I've had some pitfalls along the way.  I've had cancer.  We've done most all of our activities with very little money. 

Basically, I've done it all (all I want to do) and my favorite memories don't include any of these.  It includes the births of my 11 grandkids.  The time I spend with them each my own backyard! 

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