How can one stay healthy? How can you keep your kids and husband healthy? The Bible has some guidelines that I will point out here. Having good health is important because you can reach the lost in a much more aggressive way. You can go and do for others. If you have bad health you have others doing for you. Health helps you to better enjoy your fellowship with God. However, bad health is not an excuse not to serve God!
Why do people get sick?
Why do people get sick? We know health is God's will but it may not be complete in this life. Everyone of us will be sick at some time in this life. Even apart from our final encounter with injury or disease, there will be occasions when we suffer from injury or disease and recover. In the New Testament, Jesus didn't heal all he could have healed (John 5:3-5). Paul (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) and Timothy (1 Timothy 5:23) and Epaphroditus (Philippians 2:25-27) and Trophimus (2 Timothy 4:20) all had some sort of sickness. Perfect health will only be obtained after this life. So what are some possible reasons people get sick?
1. A test from God to see if we will still serve Him.
Book of Job - Can you praise God in bad health?
2. A trial from Satan to keep us from serving God.
Paul (2 Corinthians 12:7) Satan wants to stop you from reaching souls (Isaiah 37:3).
Paul (2 Corinthians 12:7) Satan wants to stop you from reaching souls (Isaiah 37:3).
3. In order us to learn to care for the sick.
It may be used to teach both the patient and his attendants needed lessons in patience and grace. (2 Corinthians 1:4) Not all sick are saved and we need to know how to comfort those people.
It may be used to teach both the patient and his attendants needed lessons in patience and grace. (2 Corinthians 1:4) Not all sick are saved and we need to know how to comfort those people.
4. Natural old age.
Our bodies are feeble and the wear and tear on them is great. Genesis 48:1 (Jacob)
Our bodies are feeble and the wear and tear on them is great. Genesis 48:1 (Jacob)
5. Sowing and Reaping.
Just as the house of God, the temple, needs repair so does God's temple, the body!
1 Corinthians 11:29‑30 - Not taking the Lord's supper properly
Just as the house of God, the temple, needs repair so does God's temple, the body!
1 Corinthians 11:29‑30 - Not taking the Lord's supper properly
6. Disobedience to God's Word.
Deuteronomy 28:62‑68, Jeremiah 30:12‑13, 2 Chronicles 21:14‑15,18
Deuteronomy 28:62‑68, Jeremiah 30:12‑13, 2 Chronicles 21:14‑15,18
7. And the opportunity for God to get some glory.
Often after people heal from a sickness they will say "praise God", "thank God" and many other gratitudes about how God healed them. It also brings churches and families and individuals to their knees. Nothing will bring a person to prayer like hearing the words, "You have cancer." Believe me, I know. I have had cancer.
Often after people heal from a sickness they will say "praise God", "thank God" and many other gratitudes about how God healed them. It also brings churches and families and individuals to their knees. Nothing will bring a person to prayer like hearing the words, "You have cancer." Believe me, I know. I have had cancer.
How to heal and get well from sickness:
How to heal and get well from sickness:The best way to keep from getting sick and preventive! If you will do the following you will prevent most sickness!
1. Prayer and Faith!
Malachi 4:2 - God has healing in his wings!
Matthew 4:23 - Jesus could heal then and he can now!
Jeremiah 30:17, Jeremiah 33:6
Psalms 103:3 - Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
2. Scripture Reading
Proverbs 3:8, Proverbs 4:22
3. Repenting/Living Right
Bitterness makes you sick. (Proverbs 14:30; Proverbs 13:12)
Exodus 15:26 (Live right and God will bless you with health.
Deuteronomy 7:15
4. Hard Work
Sweating is very good for the body. It causes it to release toxins.
Hebrews 4:11, Proverbs 18:9, Proverbs 10:16
5. Proper Rest
Exodus 23:12, Exodus 34:21, Mark 6:31
6. Fasting
This is very good for your body. It gives it a rest. During this rest it is rebuilding. I personally have done two 40-day fast. I always feel better and cleaner after a fast.
Exodus 24:18 -long fast
Judges 20:26 - short fast
2 Samuel 12:16, Ezra 8:23, Nehemiah 1:4, Matthew 4:2, Matthew 17:21
7. Sunshine / Fresh Air
Go outside and sit. Take a walk. One preacher said (George Mueller) that we need to walk 20 minutes everyday. Breathe deeply as you walk. Make your kids go outside. Everyone knows we need 20 minutes of sunshine daily in order to make vitamin D.
8. Water
Water is cleansing. There 396 mentions of water in the Bible. Drink water. Give up all the cokes that rob us of bone density, cause bone spurs, and destroy our teeth. Besides, water is free which causes less stress which is healthy!
9. Touching
Make it a habit of massaging your spouse and kids. When I was raising children we had family devotion every night and after devotion we'd pray. I would rub my children's backs while they prayed. The tables will turn and when you need to be touched you will reap what you sowed. Touching keeps you healthy.
Matthew 9:20, Matthew 14:35‑36
10. Laughter (Good attitude)
Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 17:22
Don't talk sickness. Some people actually will bring bad health on their children by talking about it all the time. Make your kids think that it is wonderful to be healthy. Don't baby them to death every time they get a cold. Brag on their health. If they know they will get your attention by having a runny nose, you can believe their nose is going to run.
11. Proper Diet
A well balanced diet is very important. We need vitamins and minerals for our bodies to properly function. Certain vitamins are wonderful for sickness . . . such as vitamin C is great for colds and the flu. God intended for us to eat right and eat heartily. However, leave the dainties alone (Psalms 141:4; Proverbs 23:3). One reason our kids are so sick is because they don't eat right. You ought to train your kids to eat all foods (1 Corinthians 10:27; Luke 10:8) Eating at regular times helps your digestive system. It is a creature of habit.
Foods aren't just mentioned in the Bible to take up space. A careful study of scriptural foods will help to keep you healthy. Here is a list of some scriptural foods and what I've found, after much study, that they can do to keep you healthy. Most of the foods below can be found in a grocery store or a health food store. One other thought . . . realize that your doctor and family will think this is stupid, but before deciding for your self, try it. Remember, home remedies heal slowly but with out side effects. America is too impatient. Any food that is not listed in the Bible is noted with an *.
Aloe a.k.a.: Burn Plant (Numbers 24:6; Psalms 45:8; Proverbs 7:17; Song of Songs 4:14) Every family needs an aloe vera plant in their home. Used on burns, scrapes, rashes, and sunburn)
Almonds - (Genesis 43:11 & 5 other times it's mentioned) - Good for morning sickness. Can help headaches.
Anise (Matthew 23:23) The whole plant can be eaten, like a salad. It is the seeds that have medicinal properties. Helps indigestion, increases mother's milk, and is frequently adds to cough syrups.
Apple (Song of Songs 2:3; Song of Songs 2:5; Song of Songs 8:5; Joel 1:12) Apples get rid of my headaches. They have a calming effect. Nausea. Good for your teeth. Slightly laxative. They have a cleansing effect on your digestive organs and have traditionally been believed to dissolve kidney or gallstones because of the acidity.
* Banana - Diarrhea, Rich in minerals that help to reproduce what you lose with diarrhea. Good for the circulation. The banana is a staple food of many tropical peoples. The ripe fruit contains many of the necessary elements that are essential for a balanced
*Arnica - good for bruising, soreness, and aches. diet. Although it is 75 percent water, the banana also contains fat, natural sugars, protein, potassium, and vitamins A, B complex, and C. A ripe banana is easily digested and it imparts quick energy.
*Basil - helps expel gas in infants.
Bay - (Psalms 37:35) Leaves are used for digestion (gas) and headaches. You can make a tea from the leaves or include the leaves in soups, etc.
Beans - (2 Samuel 17:28; Ezekiel 4:9) A deficiency of iron is one of the causes of anemia. Iron is absorbed by the intestines from foods such as meat (especially liver and fish), green vegetables, peas, and beans. About 60 percent of this iron is used in the hemoglobin, and about 25 percent is stored in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow for use as needed.
Bread - (Mentioned 361 times) High in roughage which keeps you regular. (Not white bread (Ezekiel 4:9)!
Butter - (Mentioned 11 times ) Butter is a rich source of vitamin A. Vitamins D and E and the minerals calcium and phosphorus are also present.
* Buttermilk - Used as a douche will cure yeast infection.
*Cabbage - Can cause gas. High in V-C and sulfur. Sulfur is very good for cleansing the liver. It has also been used to expel worms, soothe rheumatism. It can heal burns, wounds, and insect bites.
*Cayenne - Opens the capillaries and soothes the stomach and mucous membranes. Great for internal organs and used to treat constipation. Good for people who tire easily.
* Celery - Good to lower blood pressure, gout, nerves.
* Chamomile - Calms
Cinnamon - (Exodus 30:23; Proverbs 7:17; Revelation 18:13) The fruit and coarser pieces of bark when boiled yield a fragrant oil. It was one of the principal ingredients in the holy anointing oil). It is good for stomach aches; nursing mothers, diarrhea, and it is slightly antiseptic.
* Clove - the oil is used for tooth aches. With a Q-tip, place the oil directly on the painful tooth.
Coriander (Ex. 16:31; Num. 11:7) Also called cilantro. The seed to which the manna is likened in its form and color. It is widely cultivated in Eastern countries and in the south of Europe for the sake of its seeds, which are in the form of a little ball of the size of a peppercorn. They are used medicinally and as a spice. They are for arthritis.
Corn - (Mentioned over 102 times) The silk is used for bed-wetting and incontinence. A tea is made from the silk. Salted cornmeal is a traditional poultice for treating inflammation.
* Cranberries - Fresh is best! Urinary tract infection.
Cucumbers (Numbers 11:5)
* Eucalyptus - antiseptic. Cleans wounds (weaken with boiling water and then let cool). Boil the leaves and inhale the steam for congestion.
* Fennel - Used as a tea or in soups, etc. Good for flatulence, stomach problems, morning sickness, colic in infants, expel worms, soothes intestines.
Fig - (Mentioned 55 times) Was used medicinally in the Bible (2 Kings 20:7).
* Fingernail polish - Coat a toothache with it and it will ease the pain. It can also be used on ringworms.
Garlic (Numbers 11:5) (My house always smelled like garlic during cold seasons.) Antibiotic. Placed on a wound it will quickly absorb into the blood stream and begin healing. Colds & flu. Sore throats. Eating raw garlic will prevent yeast infections. Placed on abscessed tooth. A cotton ball soaked in garlic oil in the ear stops ear infection. If you like the healing properties but not the smell, soak in a bath for about 20 minutes after eating and brush your teeth. :-) Add lots of garlic to homemade or canned chicken soup.
* Ginger - Can strengthen lungs and kidneys. It is a stimulate. Helps motion sickness. For stomach problems . . . diarrhea. For hear burn. For morning sickness.
Grape Juice & grapes & raisins - Much mentioned - for Cholesterol control. Grapes contain minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and are a source of vitamin A.
Honey - (Occurs 56 times in the Bible) Good for Sore throats. Constipation. Colds. Lemon and honey for colds and cough. It builds the immune system to prepare it for coming colds. Honey and water wash for pink eye (Bro. Rolloff)
Melons - (Numbers 11:5) Diuretic
Milk - (Listed 48 times ) Milk is rich in calcium, which is required for strong teeth and bones. It contains phosphorus, necessary for the proper growth and hardness of bones. Riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and thiamin, zinc, and vitamin A are present in cows' milk. Another important contribution to nutrition is found in the amino acids provided by milk. These come from the milk's proteins and are used to build the body's own proteins. The milk proteins are broken down into amino acids in the stomach. These acids are absorbed into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body. When cells require new protein, these amino acids are available for reassembly. Amino acids include isoleucine, leucine, lysine, threonine, and valine.
Mint (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42; Deuteronomy 14:22) Gargle for sore throats, eat or drink the tea to help expel gas. Helps headaches. The really sweet candies do not have true peppermint in them. Helps to break fevers if given in a strong tea. Add a bit of honey to sweeten (except in infants).
Olives - (48 times mentioned) The oil is used in Childbirth, dry hair conditioner, and earache.
Onions - (Numbers 11:5) Used to treat blood clots in legs of horses. Cleanse the intestines. They stimulate sweating. They have been used to expel worms. In China they are used to relieve high blood pressure. Good to eat during a cold.
Oranges - Vitamin C! The demand for citrus fruits increased greatly after the 1890s when physicians found that people suffering from scurvy, a vitamin deficiency disease, could be cured by drinking the juice of oranges or other citrus fruits. Later, scientists discovered that the juice is beneficial because it is rich in vitamin C. It also contains some vitamin A, vitamin B1, and some of the minerals that the body needs. Colds, flu, sore throat, fever. Peaches are also high in Vitamin C.
* Raspberries - Taken to help prevent miscarriage. Gets the uterus back in shape after a baby. Relaxes muscle spasms.
Rose - (Isaiah 35:1; Song of Songs 2:1) Used as an oil externally. Calms.
Salt - (Natural sea salt) Used to season food (Job 6:6), and mixed with the fodder of cattle (Isa. 30:24). All meat-offerings were seasoned with salt (Lev. 2:13). To eat salt with one is to partake of his hospitality, to derive subsistence from him; and hence he who did so was bound to look after his host's interests (Ezra 4:14) A "covenant of salt" (Num. 18:19; 2 Chr. 13:5) was a covenant of perpetual obligation. New-born children were rubbed with salt (Ezek. 16:4). Disciples are likened unto salt, with reference to its cleansing and preserving uses (Matt. 5:13). Foot Soaks for athletes foot. Breathe up a stopped up nose. Use to slough off dead skin. Use as a gargle for sore throats.
What not to drink or eat . . . animal fat, fried foods, processed foods (eat fresh!), candy, caffeine, or alcohol.
Fever - Fever is the bodies normal response to infection in the body. It is a symptom not a cause.
Here is a quote from a medical book, written in 1998: Many doctors prefer to let a baby's natural defenses fight off mild infections, and reserve treatment such as antibiotics for more serious illnesses. Parents often mistakenly believe that high fever causes brain damage and that fevers left untreated only go higher. As a result of these misconceptions, parents often treat low-grade fevers unnecessarily.
For a fever under 104 degrees, it is best to let it run its course. If it gets over 104 degrees then begin cooling the body slowly and gently.
Never panic at signs of ill health. You and thousands of others before you have been sick and have been fine.
Some other things I have done to aid healing:
-Music (remember the story of David and Saul).
-Low Stress Life (raise good kids that don't stress you and DON'T MAKE ANYMORE BILLS!)
-Eat Right and elliminate bad foods
-Stay close to God!
-Music (remember the story of David and Saul).
-Low Stress Life (raise good kids that don't stress you and DON'T MAKE ANYMORE BILLS!)
-Eat Right and elliminate bad foods
-Stay close to God!
What if I have to go to the doctor?
I chose going to the doctor should be a last resort. I tried home remedies first and they worked 90% of the time. If, after much prayer, you decide that you must go to the doctor then here are some guidelines:
Go to God first.....not last.....and not only briefly.
Asa in the Bible made seeking God the last resort (2 Chronicles 16:12; 1 Kings 15:23).
The woman with the issue of blood sought Christ as a last resort (Mark 5:26; Luke 8:43).
Asa in the Bible made seeking God the last resort (2 Chronicles 16:12; 1 Kings 15:23).
The woman with the issue of blood sought Christ as a last resort (Mark 5:26; Luke 8:43).
1. Try to find a doctor who is a believer in Jesus Christ! (Job 13:4) Do this even if you have to drive our of town.
2. A chiropractor should be considered because he doesn't use drugs or surgery to heal the body. Nor does he look at your private parts.
3. Ask for alternatives to medicines and surgeries.
4. Remember modesty and ask your doctor to respect that. Why do we just undress in front of a man because he has the title: Doctor? If showing our nudity is wrong in front of other men then it is wrong in front of a doctor!? Is it right to do wrong to do right? Also, consider a lady doctor if your private areas have to be checked. Another thought to that . . . are you going to let a male doctor see you baby girl naked? When should we begin applying the following Biblical principles?
Genesis 9:22‑25, Exodus 32:25, Exodus 28:42, Isaiah 20:4, Leviticus 18:6‑19, John 21:7, Leviticus 20:17‑21, Revelation 16:15, Isaiah 47:1‑3, Genesis 3:21, Lamentations 1:8, Proverbs 31:21, Hosea 2:9, Mark 5:1‑15, Habakkuk 2:15, Luke 8:26‑35, Revelation 3:18
5. Remember that it is good for a man not to touch a woman . . . therefore make choosing to go to the doctor at the bottom of the list.
Genesis 9:22‑25, Exodus 32:25, Exodus 28:42, Isaiah 20:4, Leviticus 18:6‑19, John 21:7, Leviticus 20:17‑21, Revelation 16:15, Isaiah 47:1‑3, Genesis 3:21, Lamentations 1:8, Proverbs 31:21, Hosea 2:9, Mark 5:1‑15, Habakkuk 2:15, Luke 8:26‑35, Revelation 3:18
5. Remember that it is good for a man not to touch a woman . . . therefore make choosing to go to the doctor at the bottom of the list.
Numbers 4:15 (Unholy shouldn't touch a holy thing.) Our bodies are the temple of the holy ghost.
1 Chronicles 16:22 (God warned the people not to touch his anointed.) We, as children of God, are anointed. 2 Corinthians 1:21 & Hebrews 1:9
1 Corinthians 7:1 (The famous verse we use often with our teens.)
6. Think long and hard over allowing someone to cut your body.
Leviticus 21:5
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