(1 Cor 13:11) When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
God gave us an example of the age at which a person should be mature.
(Luke 2:42-52) And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that after 2three days they found him in the 1temple, sitting in the midst of the 3doctors, both 6hearing them, and 4asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and 9answers. And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye 5sought me? wist ye not that I 10must be about my 8Father's business? And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was 7subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and 11man.
Jesus was actually in the temple teaching when he was twelve. So I take this two-fold:
1. Our children should be through acting like kids at age 12 and should be about their earthly father’s business. They should put away the toys and be a blessing to their father. They should be in the kitchen helping momma or in the garage with daddy working!
2. As born-again children of God then we should, after 12 years of salvation, be about our Heavenly Father’s business. We should no longer need to be entertained or self-centered but should be working for our Father.
If, after 12 years, your children still can’t walk, feed themselves, dress themselves, or talk, we think they are backward. After 12 years as a Christian there are some things we should have outgrown and some things we should know. Babies need to grow . . . it takes a good 12 years to grow to the point of usability for Jesus. See why it’s important to get saved young? (That’s why it is important to disciple those you win to Christ.) Just think, if you get saved at 5 then at 17 you are ready to teach a class or be a missionary. (Heb 5:12)
Baby Christians are new Christians. They should have spiritual parents that help them grow. There is almost no way that a new born Christian can grow on his own. Just as a baby born of the flesh must have help to grow to maturity so must a spiritual baby.
Some Interesting Facts about Babies
1. Everyone loves babies - but an 8 year old acting like a baby is not cute. A church full of babies is fun and exciting but there needs to be some maturity there to help grow those babies or we have a bunch of retarded Christians.
2. Babies choke on meat - Meat is the deep things of God . . . Standards are deep. People just don’t understand the deep things of God. Can you imagine teaching a 3 month old baby how to multiply? Well how in the world can you expect a 3 month old Christian to multiply (win souls). It must be taught slowly and gradually. Some Christians, just like some babies, mature more rapidly that others but all normal babies can be mature by age 12.
3. Babies want constant attention - We have to teach our children little by little to stand alone. When you are spiritually training someone you have to give them a lot of attention or they will not make it as a Christian. (Prov 29:15) ... but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
4. Babies are self-centered - They want everything done their way.
5. Babies get sick easily - They catch attitudes. That is why you need to watch who your converts hang around.
6. Babies cry and complain - They have to be taught to be content. Sometimes you may chastise them and maybe tell them, “Now, Melinda, you are being a little critical. I am sure Jill didn’t mean anything by that.”Just as you would a earthly baby.
7. Babies have no modesty - Babies don’t see anything wrong with showing their thighs.(Isaiah 47:2-3)
8. Babies have no sense of danger - They don’t see anything wrong with rock music. They don’t see what’s wrong with mixed swimming. Just as fleshy babies have to be protected from a hot stove, we have to protect our spiritual children from a sin.
9. Babies get dirty quickly - Backslide! However, when a baby gets dirty what does the parent do? Well, that is what the spiritual parent should do . . . help clean them up!
10. Babies can’t handle responsibility - That is why we have a 6 months waiting period for teaching a Sunday school class. We need to know if you are a baby pretending to be an adult . . . you know . . . playing dress-up. You know, if you give me a few minutes alone with a child I can pretty much guess their physical age. If you give me a few minutes alone with a child of God I can pretty much guess their spiritual age.
11. Babies want to play all the time - They complain if church goes over 12:00. They can’t pray or study their Bible because it is over their head. That is why they need spiritual parents to tell them the Bible stories, teach them to read, and whet their appetite so they read on their own.
12. Babies need boundaries defined and repeated - Babies have to be told over and over what is right or wrong. They just can’t see it. They are very short-sighted.
13. Babies are takers - Gimmy! They have to be taught to give.
A Good Test of Maturity -
Jesus at 12 was:
1. He was at church
2. He was responsible
3. He hung around the right crowd
4. He hungered for truth
5. He was respectful
6. He listened to counsel
7. He was obedient to authority
8. He was totally dedicated to God (godly)
9. He was teaching others about His father
10. He had a purpose (Goal)
11. He had a pleasant personality
Here are what spiritual parents need to give their spiritual children:
1. Proper atmosphere (Friendship and companionship) If they don’t hang around you then they will hang around somebody.
2. Nourishment (Food) You need to feed them at first.
3. Rest (Church) You get them there if you have to.
4. Exercise (Soulwinning) Take them with you. Church work also is applicable here.
Now, the reason we have Sunday School. . . It’s not ideal but its similar to a nursery . . . it takes up where parents are failing as spiritual leaders. We have got to win people to the Lord. We are only human so we can’t disciple everyone we reach but we should try our best. Sunday school is for the multitude that needs growing but don’t have the spiritual leadership they need. That is why we have Sunday school standards . . . to grow kids similarly so the kids can grow their full 12 years without contradictions. Remember consistency is the key to good parenting. If a kid gets one teacher that says you don’t have to go to Sunday school and another says you do, then you have a contradiction before spiritual maturity and you lose that kid. Yes, our kids are in Sunday school but when their 12 years of spiritual maturity is up they need to be prepared for their spiritual future.
Monday, February 2, 2009
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